15 Jun 2013

Summer Break


I got summer break this wednesday, which is great! But it's also a bit sad, because this was my last year with my classmates. After this summer I'll start high school in a new school, with new people and new subjects. I'm actually quite excited! But, of course, it's sad to be separated from my old classmates... 

However! Since we're graduating from 9th grade, all 9th graders at our school attended a prom. Which was okay, but not that exciting. The big fun was when me and my class ditched prom and went to a lake to get drunk. It was great! And we got completely shitfaced. And I was really embarrassing, and accidentaly cut my feet open on broken glass and that's really all you need to know :-)))

Then came graduation day. It was sad. So very, very sad. We promised eachother we'd keep contact tho!

In Sweden it is tradition that all girls wear white dresses on all graduations  ~
And then came summer break. Beautiful summer break and lots of sleep!

Today, I went with some friends to a japanese inspired flea market in Stockholm!
Even though I told myself not to buy anything, I ended up buying a white harness, a DreamV skirt and some eyelashes ~
Skirt and lashes

After the flea market me, Steph, Saga, Jözz, Alex and Joss had a nice fika.
It was a really lovely day, and the company even more lovely 

    Today's outfit

Me and my band DAiZiES also had a photoshoot this week! We're still waiting for the pictures, but I'll make a post once we get them!

And that's all for now! 

1 comment:

  1. My congratulations about your graduation.
    Love your new items and the white bag. It`s so sweet
