Yesterday and today I've been working at an office. I've been doing layouts for the company's product information's as well as organizing and documenting their invitations for a seminar they're hosting. (wow i somehow succeeded in making that sound way more important than it actually was)
It was very boring work, but in the end it was all worth it cause the pay is very good and I now have a lot of money to spend in Paris!
That's right, laddies, I'm going to Paris! My flight leaves reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy early tomorrow morning...
Anyway, it'll be just me and my Ma, and it's going to be fantastic! We'll do a lot of shopping, eat at fancy french restaurants, and visit the castle of Versailles! I'm so fucking excited ok
On another note, I fell down the stair when leaving work today.... Stone stairs.... Long stairs... Ouch.... My whole body ached for like forever and right after the fall i was nearly positive I had crushed both my kneecaps and broken my hand. Of course, I didn't break anything but it did bleed a lot and now my knees are all blue all swollen.... ew....
I also bought a book yesterday! I had pre-ordered it a few weeks ago, since I wanted to be sure to get a copy of it. You see, this is the last book, the endgame, the finale, of my favourite book series of all time: GONE
The last book is named LIGHT and as far as I can tell it's a master piece just like the rest of the series. Truly marvelous, the tension is at the top at all times!
I do recommend these books, but keep in mind that they are quite gruesome! It's true, by every book it just gets more and more bloody and violent. I love it.
Anyway, I shall continue packing my bags now!
Goodnight, pumpkins!
Today ~ (new nails in lavender also!) |
Yesterday~ |
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