18 Feb 2013


So today was my mothers birthday!
She turned 45, and we had some relatives over for dinner! It was really nice ~

this weekend i didn't do anything special, thus the lack of blogging.... i don't even remember what i did on friday, and saturday i worked at the café i'm hired at and then stayed up until five in the morning watching skins and and crying over hetalia with bel.... and sunday? i slept until three in the afternoon and then went to the mall with my mother.

So, as i just mentioned I've begun watching Hetalia again! And honestly? Why the fuck did I ever stop.
It's really a great show! I just love all the characters, and everything about it is just so very lovely! And the new season is superdupergreat! Waaaaahhh I'm getting all mushy ;3;;;
I think it's been about a year since I "quit" Hetalia, and now when I'm sorta going back I feel all... idk, emotional? Because it used to be such a huge part of me and my friends lives.
I also re-discovered Vocaloid that saturday night/sunday morning! Vocaloid used to be, just like Hetalia, a really big part of my life. I met some truly wonderfun friends through Vocaloid, and the music always made me feel all lovely and gooey. So I thought hey, why don't I check out some Vocaloid again? And, once again, i turned all mushy and weepy. Going back to old things/fandoms like that and
 remembering the past makes me really emotional...
 Kaito's voice still gives me shivers ;3;;

Ah, well!! Enough about my mushy feelings!
I'm starting to learn The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK on the bass! It feels lovely ~

As to end this post, I'll show you guys an amazing song! Hitohira no Hanabira - Stereopony
The song were one of the many openings for the anime adaption of my all time favourite manga: Bleach
And while the anime sucked balls, it did have some great music.